Friday, January 13, 2017

Diagnosing Cerebral Palsy in Infants - Chicago Birth Injury Lawyer

Are there any tests available for diagnosing cerebral palsy in infants?


The birth of a baby into a family brings joys and excitement for everyone. However, sometimes, the joy is marred by a birth injury that can occur during any stage of labor or delivery. Brain trauma is among the most serious and disabling types of birth injuries. Cerebral palsy is a condition that could be a result of a problem or mistake that causes lack of oxygen to the baby’s brain.

Parents of babies who suffered a lack of oxygen would be concerned about the extent and severity of injuries sustained. However, there are some tests available that can be conducted to diagnose cerebral palsy. In this post, our Illinois birth injury lawyer will discuss some of the cerebral palsy tests for infants.

Observing behavior of the infant

You can easily identify the first signs of cerebral palsy or other kind of brain damage in an infant by simply observing their behavior. If a baby suffers a seizure, they should be examined for cerebral palsy or some other possible serious problems. Drooping or limpness of a limb or involuntary movements of the limbs may indicate a problem.

Failure to achieve milestones

Although all babies progress differently, they should reach milestones around certain ages. If the infant is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, they will likely be unable to control their muscles and may not be able to sit or crawl. If a baby is not reaching milestones, parents should consult speak with the child's pediatrician. Some cases of cerebral palsy may not be detected at birth, and may be diagnosed only as the child becomes a little older.

Diagnostic tests

Doctors may carry out a general assessment consisting of an overall examination including muscle tone testing. If the doctor detects some possibility of cerebral palsy, they may order some tests including:

  • EEG: Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that tracks communication between the brain and the other body parts. Infants with cerebral palsy usually have problems with the transmission of brain waves. EEG may also show some dormant areas of the brain.

  • PET Scan: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a test that uses radiation to produce 3-D images of functional processes of the body. These images can be evaluated to determine any problems with brain processes and communication.

  • MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an image scan of the brain, which can show any abnormalities such as inflammation or a hemorrhage that could indicate the possibility of cerebral palsy.

Birth Injuries and cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is a life changing injury that could be a result of a medical mistake at birth. If you think your child’s birth injury is a result of medical negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact a qualified and experienced Chicago birth injury lawyer to get legal help. Give us a call at (312) 957-4166 for a free consultation to learn more about your legal rights.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What You Need to Know About Hit and Run Car Accidents

It is not always clear who is responsible for a hit and run car accident, making the claims process complicated.


Car accidents can be extremely traumatic, causing serious injury and property damage. The law gives the victim the right to claim compensation for all losses suffered in an accident caused by another person’s fault. However, in hit and run car accidents, it is not always clear as to who is responsible for the accident; the claims process can become complicated.

Should You Leave the Scene of an Accident?

A hit and run accident is a type of motor vehicle collision that involves one or more vehicles and the at-fault driver flees the scene of the accident. In Illinois, there are laws that forbid a driver involved in an accident to flee the scene, irrespective of whether or not he or she was at fault. Under the law, the driver involved in an accident must remain at the scene of the accident, especially if there are injuries. However, there are some exceptions to the rule, such as when the person is seriously injured and requires immediate medical attention.

A driver must not leave the accident scene before providing all relevant information to the police, law enforcement agencies, or the other people involved in the car accident. If a driver flees the scene of an accident without doing this, he or she may be charged with a felony and the driver’s license revoked. If the accident causes the death of another person, the crime may be a Class 2 felony and the driver at fault may have to serve imprisonment for up to 14 years.

How Often Do Hit and Run Accidents Occur?

Even though the laws are stringent and carry strict penalties, hit and run cases are a common occurrence. According to the latest statistics available, almost 11 percent of all motor vehicle accidents reported to the police involve a hit and run. Approximately 18 percent of pedestrian fatalities are a result of hit and run accidents. Every year, almost 2,600 people are killed at the hands of a hit and run driver.

Causes of Hit and Run Accidents

There are several causes of hit and run accidents in Chicago. In many cases, it is an act of recklessness. The most common reasons behind hit and run accidents are:

Drunk driving or driving under the influence.

• The at-fault driver does not possess a valid driver’s license, and fearing trouble, they flee the accident scene.

• The at-fault driver is either uninsured or underinsured.

• The at-fault driver knows that he or she has caused the accident because of distracted driving or overspeeding.

If you or someone close to you has been injured in a hit and run accident, consult an experienced Chicago car accident attorney from The Willens Law Offices to understand your legal rights. Call us at (312) 957-4166 for a free consultation.

Friday, December 17, 2010

What Should You Do Following a Car Accident?

Below is general information based upon our experience and Illinois law. Because every case is different, you should always consult an experienced and skilled Chicago Car Accident Attorney for legal and practical advice on these issues. The Chicago Car Accident Lawyers at Willens Law Offices aggressively fight for the compensation that Illinois car accident victims and their families need and deserve.

1. What information should I get after a car accident?

If you have been in a car accident, there is certain information that can be very useful in protecting your rights. After the police and any necessary medical help have been called, it is important to collect the following information:
  • The full name, address, phone number, driver's license number and insurance information for all drivers, passengers, vehicle owners and eye-witnesses.
  • Whether any of the drivers appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Location, date and time of the accident.
  • A detailed description of the accident, including what happened, which direction the vehicles were heading, weather conditions, any injuries and what was damaged.
  • Several photos at different angles of the damage caused to the vehicles.
  • Several photos of the scene of the accident.
  • Any problems with vehicles not caused by the accident, such as broken lights or worn-down tires.

2. Following a car accident, should I contact the police?

Yes. Contacting the police provides proof of the accident and allows for an immediate investigation of the scene. While it may seem uncomfortable, especially when the at fault driver is being cooperative and even in what may seem to be a minor accident, it can be beneficial to call the police instead of trying to settle matters with the other driver.

3. Following a car accident, should I go to the doctor?

Generally speaking, yes. Even if you think you are not hurt, it is best to have that fact confirmed by medical professionals. The doctor may recognize injuries, sometimes serious, that are not apparent to you. We have seen many people treat initial symptoms as unimportant, only to seek medical help later. Delaying treatment is not only bad for your health, it also makes it more difficult to prove that you suffered an injury in the accident. Remember to be honest when describing your health and try to neither exaggerate nor minimize your symptoms.

4. Following a car accident, should I contact an attorney?

Generally speaking, yes. An attorney who is experienced in handling personal injury matters should be contacted as soon as possible. If your case has value, an experienced car accident attorney will likely be able to obtain monetary compensation that you need and deserve, which usually is significantly more than what you may be able to obtain without using such an attorney.

At Willens Law Offices our experienced car accident attorneys will meet with you for a free, no obligation case evaluation We charge no fees for our legal services until a financial recovery is made through a settlement or trial verdict. If you are unable to come to our Chicago offices due to the extent of your injuries, we will be happy to meet with your Illinois location.

5. Following a car accident, should I contact my insurance company?

Yes. In fact, you have a duty to cooperate with your own insurance company. Most insurance companies require their policyholders to promptly report every auto accident so that they can gather basic information. Failure to provide information to your insurance company promptly can result in loss of coverage for the accident.

6. Following a car accident, should I talk to the other driver's insurance company?

No. If you are contacted, it is best to obtain the name of the person calling you, his or her contact information, the claim number and then respectfully decline to talk. Insurance companies' claims adjusters are professional negotiators, sometimes lawyers themselves, with extensive experience in car accident cases and are well trained to ask questions in a manner designed to hurt your claim. You should seek the advice of an experienced personal injury attorney to help level the playing field. Contact Willens Law Offices before you speak to any insurance company representatives.

7. Following a car accident, should I contact my insurance company?

You have a viable personal injury claim if your injury is a direct result of the car accident and the other driver was negligent. If you can establish that the accident was caused due to another person's fault, you can recover compensation for:
  • Medical expenses incurred in the treatment of your injuries;
  • Future medical expenses;
  • Lost wages;
  • Loss of future wages;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Disability; and
  • Disfigurement.